Keegan Joseph Simmons

Keegan Joseph Simmons
Born February 10th, 2010 @ 2:32am - 8 pounds - 21 inches

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bridgett's Parents

We didn't know what my parents would like their grandchildren to call them, so we couldn't make the T-shirts for them. I made a bib that said "We are pregnant" and my mom said "Is this a joke?" She's hilarious - I was like - "NO"... Anyways, Rose put on the bib and she was running around shouting "Bridgett's pregnant!!!" Mom said, "Rose, that means that Bridgett's going to have a baby" and Rose just stopped, dropped to the floor, and closed her eyes like she passed out on the floor. She's so funny!!! We didn't get film because we couldn't figure out how to hide the camera - if they'd have seen it, it would have given away the surprise... So, we'll make shirts for them now. Mom decided she wanted to be called "Meme". I designated the name of "Poppa Frank" for Frankie... lol